- Reports
Study of Consequential Issues Materially Affecting Kansas Electricity Rates
Kansas Legislature passed the Substitute for Senate Bill 69, calling for a study of retail electricity rates of Kansas electric public utilities. To address this task, a two-part Study will inform future legislative and regulatory efforts to establish policies that support regionally competitive electric rates and reliable service. Part 1 of the Study, which was completed by London Economics International, LLC in January of 2020, assessed the effectiveness of current Kansas ratemaking practices and explored possible approaches for the Kansas Legislature and Kansas Corporation Commission to make retail electricity prices regionally competitive. Part 2 of Study, addressed in this document, addresses 13 matters with topics including the regional economy, regional planning processes, regional electricity market, transmission investments, impacts of advanced energy solutions, and physical and cyber security processes. Kansas public utilities included in the Study include investor owned utilities, three municipally owned utilities, and 26 electric cooperatives.
Read the full report here.
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